All editorials are written by the Maroon Echo staff and represent the position of the editorial board.
Columns represent the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily the opinion of the Maroon Echo.
Letters to the editor
Letters to the editor must be signed and must not exceed 250 words. No more than two signatures can represent a letter. Unsigned letters will not be published.
The Maroon Echo has the right to edited lengthy material or withhold the publication of any letter or material. Letters may be mailed to the high school in care of the Maroon Echo, emailed to [email protected], or delivered to Room 321. Include your name, class, and email.
We will only use anonymous sources when not doing so would jeopardize someone’s status or role with the school or their parents, if it could cause harm, or if it could cause potential harassment.
Contact us
The Maroon Echo can be reached at 968-1160, or by writing Maroon Echo, Bay Shore High School, 155 Third Avenue, Bay Shore, NY 11706 or emailing [email protected]